About Me
What I paint
My artwork (mainly oil) captures people in the moment in landscapes, gardens and cityscapes. I prefer oil because of its plasticity and brilliance and the way colors interact with each other. I paint for my own pleasure and enjoyment, having retired from the tech industry in 2012 and started oil painting in 2013.
I will participate in the coming Silicon Valley Open Studio on May 12 and 13th. See www.svos.org for details.
My artwork will be on display at the Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts from August 14 through October 15, 2018.
How I paint
My art starts with photos I take in the course of my ramblings.ˇI isolate the images that attract me and start the work of transferring the image in my mind?s eye into an art piece seen by others.ˇI begin with a charcoal drawing to create the design, followed by a small oil sketch to make sure the design works as a painting. Next, on a larger linen canvas, I create a broad under-painting in red-browns to establish light and dark values. I then lay the color in detail on the dried light/dark values using bristle and sable brushes. I check that the painting works when seen close up and at a distance. A painting can take me 1 to 3 months to complete. ˇ
I graduated from UC Berkeley in 1971. In the 1970s I lived in Tel Aviv where I taught English at the university. In the 1980s I became a computer programmer in Silicon Valley and worked at HP from 1984 until I retired as a tech manager in 2012. Since 2012 I have focused on becoming an artist. I’m married with 3 adult children.
Drawing oil pastel of Fenton House Garden
In my studi